The Story Behind Supporting Our World’s Young

The Love Out Loud Foundation, formerly the Rogue and Rouge Foundation, is seeking to raise $1 million dollars to create infinite impact in the lives of young people.

Utilising a pioneering funding model as a method of funding donations. Love Out Loud Foundation creates generational impact in the mental health and wellbeing of our World’s Young through the generous gifting of donations in crypto and FIAT currency. Enduring income generated from our ingenious investment funds are distributed to individuals, communities and organisations committed to delivering innovative mental health and wellbeing programs.

In 2021, Founder Nicole Gibson and Board Director, Chong Shi started a conversation around their mutual passion for meditation and mental health, posing vital questions of society: “Why is it that meditation and its significant benefits are still unknown to our next generation? And how is it that mental health is the leading health epidemic in the world, yet the health sector is still so under resourced and underfunded?”

Nicole has a decade long background in social entrepreneurship in the field of mental health, acting as a Commonwealth Commissioner for mental health for three terms. Nicole had some telling insights from her time in this role, and from her first-hand personal experience going through the system, from her journey with Anorexia Nervosa.

One of Nicole’s key takeaways was how much the sector was “missing the bar” when it came to focusing their resourcing and energy into what truly matters for recovery, and more importantly, prevention.

From that moment on, Nicole was on a mission to make change.

Both Nicole and Chong met with some leaders in the mental health sector, and it became clear quite quickly the sector was tired of competitively structured-funding models that prevent liked-minded not-for-profits being allies, collaborating together and working towards shared solutions.

Another key finding was that not-for-profits were spending a significant amount of time focused on securing project-based funding, unable to be guided by and respond to the impact they were seeking to create.

“There is a lack of commercial mindset in the sector which often prevents scale opportunities for the not-for-profit sectors. Culturally and overall, the not-for-profit sector has also become tired, it requires more innovation. There has been a lack of thought leadership that focuses on the short-term solutions, rather than the core of the problem,” Chong Shi said.

Founder of Love Out Loud Foundation, Nicole Gibson said: “It was at this moment we realised we do not need to reinvent the wheel. In fact, we need to unify and amplify what’s already been laid out. We acknowledged there are thousands of organisations setting out to ensure all young people have the resources and tools to be supported in their mental health, yet in practise, this intent was not being translated to impactful outcomes for our young people.”

The board, with 10 years of mutual experience in social entrepreneurship and financial trading, realised there was a powerful combination of ideas. They believed if these ideas could be fuelled by a strong sustainable financial model it could end ineffectiveness for good.

It was also evident in the development of these ideas innovation in funding through capital allocation was necessary in order to support our roadmap to achieve the Foundation’s mission; which includes introducing meditation in schools, with mindfulness forming part of the curriculum and integrating it into the social culture. Our key goal is to ensure that daily mindfulness practice is just as normal as daily physical exercise.

The Board, with an innovative unifying funding model geared towards revolutionising funding in the mental health and wellbeing sector, sought the support of a highly experienced executive, Scott Austin. His extensive career in Business Strategy, Blockchain and Crypto Currency was a key component in working with the Board to bring Love Out Loud Foundation to life.

“The Foundation is built on a sustainable, perennial model of funding to ensure individuals, communities and organisations seeking to initiate and implement mental health and wellbeing programs can work collaboratively with support, encouragement and mentorship” stated Scott.

“If the Foundation’s mission is achieved, in 20 years’ time, future leaders of the world will be able to make decisions from a higher level of consciousness, care and foresight, curating a better world for all humanity” he continues.

With perpetual funding through the Love Out Loud Foundation Program Fund and the Donor-Investor Fund, individuals, corporations, philanthropists, investors and crypto currency traders are able to contribute towards initiatives supporting mental health and wellbeing of young people. Initiatives and programs making a lifelong difference like, yoga in schools, positive mental health education, tactile exploration products, online and face to face interactive mindfulness activities, to name a few.

Through implementation of the team’s experience in financial markets, the foundation has crafted the following model, building generational funding in support of projects and activities that contribute towards a future built on mindfulness, awareness and love.

Joining forces, with their passion and drive for change, the board ushers forward this new funding structure and a fresh approach to fundraising to make considerable change for the better. The Foundation’s legacy is to have a generational impact of mental health for our world’s young.

Hear more on the story of Love Out Loud Foundation with Founder, Nicole Gibson, and General Manager, Scott Austin, as they talk about the current state of mental health, the impact it has on our young people and what they intend to do about it!

As a thank you and celebration of Love Out Loud Foundation’s launch, the first 50 contributors will be given the famed title of ‘Foundation Donor’. Each Foundation Donor, will receive a limited edition Love Out Loud gift pack, including a shirt, hat, and stickers. To be one of the first to support future generations and become a Foundation Donor. We look forward to welcoming you officially to the Love Out Loud Foundation.

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